Our Comprehensive Criminal Record Audit can provide you all the details regarding your offense and offenses and you will find out exactly what is reporting on your background. If you are unsure about the details of your case or your record or what the exact disposition of your case, then we can find the information for you and determine if you are eligible for one of our record clearing services.
Our Comprehensive Criminal Record Audit includes the following:
Complete Background Report Audit from the Leading Background Check Services;
Record Research from Governmental Websites – Includes County websites, Sheriff Office Websites, Book in and Bond Information, and Texas Department of Public Safety Records;
Find out exactly what’s on your record and what details about your cases are available to the public;
We will get you a copy of your court paperwork so you will have it for your records;
Online Mugshot Search – We search the leading mugshot sites to see if you mugshot is being published online;
Online Reputation Analysis – We conclude a thorough online reputation analysis to determine what’s available online in reference to your criminal record;
We notify any agency if they are incorrectly reporting details regarding your case;
We conclude a through eligibility analysis for each case to determine whether it is eligible to be expunged or non-disclosed;
Get a 10% Discount off of our pardon services;
Receive a comprehensive report; and
Receive a consultation from one of our Attorneys to Discuss your Record.
All for the Price of $250.00.
Call us if you have any questions or if you want to get started at (855) 773-4669.